
San Francisco, CA, United States

This shit is deeper than I thought! Can’t nobody deny these receipts! He ain’t shit and Tocha know it too! And she still probably not going to leave him after all this. I can’t feel sorry for her.Why, you ask? Because this her karma for conspiring to steal her sister’s 30k! Your karma always comes back 10 times worse!

ShoShothey needed to catch her red handed in the act. 


ShoShoAnd also, I was just like Savannah, I didn’t bother nobody and I was a kind and sweet person, which she took for granted. So I feel her throwing that shit in her face because she was tired of her and wanted to do something to keep her from coming to her house… believe me all sorts of shit went through my mind of how to get rid of this crazy goat-looking chick. I’m pretty sure she didn’t think it would scar that woman like that. In my case, we never fought but I ran up on her when she and her friends had the nerve to pull up at my house when I was throwing a party for him and me and friends were ready for her that night… the dude pulled me off her car, I was kicking the car and trying to get the door open because I was exhausted of this B*tch! I am so glad nothing happened now looking back on it because I would’ve done anything to protect myself. Oh yeh and I went to the police too, they went to her house and warned her of the harassment. So that helped a little but it didn’t stop her.


ShoSho… I can imagine the harassment… something similar happened to me in my early 20s when this guy I was talking to got out of prison and his baby mama was doing the same thing. Riding by my house, harassing me with phone calls, even went to the point of her pulling up at my house. She was extremely jealous constantly mailing letters to my house threatening me, etc… Plus he had other woman too, which I found out during because we were all having the same trouble out of this one crazy ass baby mama. How about in the end, after I left him along for good, he lost both of his legs because he was beaten near death and left for dead on some railroad tracks where a train ran over his legs, which I’m sure was behind some foul shit he had done to someone else. To this day, I feel he instigated us feuding and that lead to all the drama.He liked it. So I know all too well how these heffa’s act when they know the other woman is the main chick or has more of a connection with the guy than they do. 


I believe Savannah wholeheartedly… and I’m glad Tasha got him on tape… everything that was said is true about Sabrina harassing her because she doing it all over again. She’s still hurt by this situation and she wants to continue to make her life a living hell because of shitt she did… that was her karma and she needs to continue to live in it and leave Savannah along! It’s some hateful and spiteful people out here… she blind because she went looking for trouble and got instant karma… 


Preach!!! I couldn’t have said it better! These women in the comments are delirious! 
