Terran M

What I observed was a lady identifying her trauma and taking major accountability for what she did and did not know see or do. Gulliable, low self esteem, ditsy, whatever you wanna call it we’ve all had these types of moments. I observed her answering your questions but it seemed like you wanted her to say what you wanted her to say. She’s 32 and was vulnerable as heck. Tasha why not ask Princella all that when you had her on your platform? Why not challenge her? Why challenge BTaylor so aggressively when she’s still trying to heal? You couldn’t answer her % question but kept badgering this girl to answer what she answered twice in 2 different ways. It seems like you don’t like the genres that her and others are in and that’s fine so you waited until she was a guest on your show to tell her how you really feel about the manosphere blue pill red pill, whatever the case may be. She’s having a real raw moment with you and it’s like you tried to discredit her journey. She doesn’t have to aspire to be anyone. That’s what her lessons are about. You can aspire to have Michelle Obama attributes but that’s not for everyone. To try to compare her to sexy red and sukianha was for sure a low blow. Idk what happened the interview was good until the last 30 mins of you Just wearing this woman down. How much more admitting can she do? It’s like a pattern, when “pretty” girls come on your show with self esteem issues it’s like you make them feel just like all the others who have belittled them. It gives jealousy. I just don’t know why you didn’t ask Princella these questions. Yet waited to get this woman who is still raw to tell her she’s hypocritical, has low self esteem, ego driven, etc. I was turned off by that . You are married and seem to have a strong view on just that. Everytime she wouldn’t let you pin her down you would move the goal post. Get Princella back on and ask her this stuff. Idk what you were expecting her to say. Very contradicting. I would have gotten up and placed a boundary with you. This ain’t FTN bae. This woman was mature to admit what she did but you couldn’t accept it. Go in those spaces and give your opinion Tasha. You weren’t trying to help this woman with your comments. You tried to tear her down again. Proud of BTaylor for keeping it classy and cute. I could see her shaking trying to stay focused and not offended. You praise Kevin Samuel’s. That’s where the pick me comments come in at. That speaks to why you couldn’t accept this lady’s message.

Jun 06 at 03:54 PM

Who we unwining with Tasha?


Not best interview of the year!😂😂😂 I like this girl. I like real ass people. Maybe funniest interview of the year but then damn idk who topping that sean Kingston 40 year old prostitutute 😂😂😂


Tasha you ain’t shit having that lady stand tf up 😂😂😂

Omg omg omg!! Hell yes!! When is this dropping !!???


Tasha you got bad gay-dar lol. You thought Storm wasn’t gay and that man zesty asf.

Another great 1! I like how Tasha and Hazel talk just like it’s a conversation. Hazel is a cool chick.


I was disappointed in this, Tasha. I thought baby girl was bout to spill some wine. She spilled nothing at all. Maybe she wants Cedric’s attention again because I was really confused of her purpose for this interview. She didn’t say nothing at all.