Camille Bell

Commented on post was deleted

Jun 19 at 12:34 PM

I just hit you via text

Be careful Queen.

Tasha I love you but this lady sounds like a whole liar. She looks a hot mess and completely unbelievable. She is a grown woman sounding like a young girl chasing money. The way she speaks is crazy. Ricky Smiley buying puss is hard enough to believe but buying it from her…that’s a HELL NO! He can’t be that desperate.

Apr 15 at 01:41 PM

We love you more!!!!



Apr 15 at 11:59 AM

I Love this lady for the laughs that she brings to my life. We definitely have her back from the haters. #tashaklive



Apr 15 at 11:57 AM

Our girl was everything in Baltimore! She took the drama in the hall and made it part of the skit! We love Tasha K!!!



Apr 14 at 09:52 PM

Tasha was everything in Baltimore! Catch her on stage live because it’s worth the coin! Thank you Tasha I will see you in DC!