
Charlotte, NC, United States

Sep 26 at 04:44 PM

Wait ... You're missing the person who just turned 50 🤔 cuz I just see 20-year-olds right here maybe 30s early 30s. You look great baby. Milo and my birthday is today too. So happy birthday fellow libra. 🥳🎂🍷


i do agree with the fact that you dont have to agree with everything thats said. i do love tasha but she does sensationalize quite a bit. so its more comedy for me than anything and i cant take everything said too serious. granted, she has been on point with some things. and then there are some things that either may not be true or is sensationalized.

lab grown meat has been around since the early 2000s. so trust, youve eaten it already if you still eat meat.

now tasha you know joc dont have a type. all his women are all different sizes, shapes and colors. he like em all. jocs dick is a pokeball lol catch em all! btw i remember you kinda gave us the wine on your step sis.

Jun 25 at 04:45 PM

Yoooo Tasha did you see how cardi B was trying it on Twitter? She was really coming for you and I don't like that at all. Talking about embezzlement all this other stupid stuff. She's really trying it.


Sara McCoy you are windmilling a lil too hard for madame here. You wont respect it if other people disagree with you and feel that she was a tad bit awkward. However, your expecting others to respect your "popular" push back. Lol guurrrl its looking like you spoke a tad bit too soon.ijs (just a light disagreement) its still love:)

Thank you for that comment. I agree with you through n through. It was just a lil off putting. 

im sorry but this trial failed. and i love and have supported tasha for almost 5 years. tbh i believe it would actually work if maybe tasha had a celebrity or a well known youtuber as the host. Someone the people can watch, tolerate and digest. I just feel like we got a stranger in our living room just making herself at home. She didnt speak when she came in the house. she just walked straight to  the kitchen, made her a nice size plate and planted herself on the couch, eatin, and loud talkin. Thats what it gives. And I see someone mentioned that this young lady has been a youtuber for ten years but i have never seen or heard of her and im quite sure there are others who would agree. 

So I say all of this to say, please dont have her back on. i think someone who is way more well known would give a better reception. But tasha we love you. But we dont want her. Get somebody else to do it.

I definitely agree. She actually has been through a whole lot of traumatic events. And she even admits that she never really got the counseling that she needed fully. She's been through rape and everything almost you can think of. So the young lady really needs help but instead of getting help she thought that Derek and  getting married and having children would fix her issues. But clearly not. Now it's gotten to the point where she's obsessed with him and he wants nothing to do with her.

Candi Bi just dont see what's the point about debating about scientific fact. There was no validity to your comment. Anywho I really don't have anymore time to give to this subject. I just hope you do your research the next time you choose to debate with someone about facts. No I'm done. I have no more for you or this subject.