
Charlotte, NC, United States

Brenda J I hope you not only watch this trainwreck of a interview. But I hope you read each comment on hear. Speaking from a woman whos had a very trauma filled life, you madame are a liar and your making a mockery of anyone who has ever gone through trauma. Im not gonna say what I really wanna say because im gonna let Karma and Jehovah God handle you. Stop what Your doing. And go back on every platform you ever went on, and tell the truth. Because at this point, Im really tempted to out you to all those platforms. If I were you, I would do the right thing. 

Im really watching this steaming mad. How dare she and bad face makeup thats 5 shades lighter. Ohhhh girl. I actually have lived a trauma filled life. So to see her lying with so much confidence and then catch a attitude when you realize your story is bullshit, makes me so angry. The audacity. 2+2=89 Make it make sense! Shes a manipulator, a pathological liar, narcissistic, and shes pretty trying to make anyone who would listen, look like a fool. Yoooo im pissed!

As a victim of molestation at the age of 3. Then not only being verbally and mentally abused by my mother but also being physically abused in several relationships. And ive also been robbed by gun point and just really been through alot in my life. Im really hoping that shes just crazy and believes her own lies. However, to be honest, she reminds me of this girl i used to work with. She grew up in the foster system. Granted this young lady i worked with did go through some traumas. However, she would lie and use other peoples stories in order to get attentiom. Even if it was negative attention. I believe she contracted HIV from either her ex or some other guy she was sleeping with. But shes a horrible liar and has the nerve to get aggitated because you would ask her questions that challenged her and forced her to go back and do a horrible attempt at fixing her lies. Im so hurt and angry with her for telling these lies with a straight face. Makeup is 5 shades lighter than her complexion

Replied on post was deleted

Apr 19 at 09:41 PM

Chelseaawesome. Thanks 😁

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Apr 19 at 08:07 PM

Chelsea, will you be sending us confirmation emails after we email you and you're able to see that we are signed up with Bigo?

Chestine Barnes my point exactly.

Ryahlive wait.. let me guess you thought that I was referring to me in that example? And you're calling me slow 🤔

Ryahlive coming from the person that just left this comment 🤔🧐😐

Since when was saying that you have money that you saved up to get a place for you and your kids, but you just needed a pay stub and no one informed you that there's other ways of getting a pay stub so that you and your kids didn't have to be in transitional housing anymore, was capping? Since when? And then since when was it capping by someone saying that you have an understanding with all of your children's fathers so whenever you need help and father can't help, that the other one may be able to help, is capping? Since when? I just really am gagging at a lot of these comments. The girl didn't even come off like she was capping or being pretentious. She was just being honest. Now I will say she's not very intelligent on a lot of things and she doesn't know a lot of information on a lot of things. But I truly believe that that comes from just not knowing because she never had to be in that situation before. 

Iesha Regan touche. Sadly not everyone has that mindset. But they really should.