
Charlotte, NC, United States

Exactly girl I was thinking the same thing. I'm reading these messages gagging. And I guarantee a lot of them talking mess about this girl, are in even worse situations than her.


Now tasha I love you down girl, but you know good and well ain't no single mother with five kids going to stay celibate like that. You might find one unicorn every once in awhile but let's be real, that's just not going to happen. Now homegirl is making sure that the dude don't want kids and that he's pulling out with the condom on. So she's doing the right thing. Just give a girl her props. And I see some people in the comments that making fun or judging her for having sex with her boyfriend and she's in the situation, and I guarantee if not every single one of those people that are saying those things, are in worse situations and have a one night stand with random dudes that they meet. Like I get so sick and tired of people judging other people for stuff that they do and sometimes even worse. Okay let me get off my soapbox now 😄😆 I love you and I'm enjoying your app.