
Charlotte, NC, United States


May 28 at 11:39 PM

Yeah this interview is wild! She really has a lot of traumas that she hasn't dealt with or get any type of counseling for. And she worships Derek's drawers. Like y'all need to watch this interview it's crazy.


Candi Bi just dont see what's the point about debating about scientific fact. There was no validity to your comment. Anywho I really don't have anymore time to give to this subject. I just hope you do your research the next time you choose to debate with someone about facts. No I'm done. I have no more for you or this subject. 

Candi B we should be consuming at least 2,000 for women 2,600 for males calories a day. If you have one meal that's worth at least 2,000 calories, that's a hell of a meal. Even splitting it into two meals is insane. It has to be broken down. That's why it said that you need three meals a day plus two snacks. And it's only science I'm going by nothing more. No opinions here.

I swear somebody will debate you down to your fingernails about even the sky being blue. Damn. It'll always be somebody out here telling you that it's red.

Candi B I made it very clear the beginning of my comment that I'm not here to tell anyone how to raise their children or what to do with their children. However everything I said as far as meals is correct. It's science TBH do your own research if you like. But I'm not going to go back and forth on this. So you can have at it if you want to but I said what I said. Any who love you Tasha girl!

I love you Tasha and Im not trying to tell you or anyone how to raise their kids. However, I just wanted to point out that its really not safe, especially for a teenager, to eat only once or twice a day. Everyone really should be eating three meals and two snacks. Healthy of course. But you have to fuel the body. So the lack of eating meals really isnt healthy. And especially for females, whenever we dont eat, it messes with our metabolism. Just food for thought. Again i love you bunches. So please dont take this as a read. I just wanted to educate a bit.

Apr 24 at 10:07 PM

No prob. Love you bunches 🥰🤗



Apr 24 at 08:28 PM

I just wanted to make a small suggestive critique. I actually just noticed at the end of all of your live shows, it says at the bottom of "Thank you for Watching" and then it says "replay will begin in a few moment" so there is just a small correction that needs to be made. Just add a s at the end of the word moment. So it should actually say "replay will begin in a few moments" I just wanted to let you know. It really is a very small correction. Love you bunches and your show!


Commented on Firestick Update!

Apr 22 at 10:16 PM

Y'all I just got done talking to Brenda J via email. All I can say is shes most definitely a pathological liar, a narcissist, and had the nerve to come out of her pie hole talking about Tasha manipulated the interview. Girl I went to reach through my Android and get that refrigerator built ass b**** together. I just can't talk to her for too long. She literally insults my intelligence. I honestly tip my hat off to you Tasha for just keeping your composure. You truly are the goat. And you also made some changes in your patience and everything girl cuz I would have reacted a little bit differently LOL I mean all the time and money that was spent to get her on your platform and then she has the nerve to say that you manipulated the interview. She's still not show me that the math is mathing. But honestly that was to be expected. I just really wanted to get her to at least come forward and just at least explain to me why and what's her motive. Cuz it's really offensive especially when


Are you actually reading the comments? Not one person on here shamed anyone for their traumas. Its just clear that we are being lied to and no one wants to be insulted that way. Especially people like myself whos actually been through molestation at 3, abuse from alcoholic mother and several boyfriends, homelessness, sex traffic attempt ( I got away from the assholes who tried) and just a trauma filled life. So people like me can see through the bull. Even reading your comment, its giving Brenda under another pseudonym. The spelling. The speech. Just a lot of tell-tell signs. Ijs