Antalene Whiteside

I didn’t look at it like that but go on YouTube her stories change a lot I believe there was some sort of trauma do you think her mom knew at 8 she was being raped?
I don’t disagree with her and the story about the husband completely however you have to admit she was 19 for like a longtime

Replied on Brenda J

Apr 24 at 09:26 PM

There’s a lady you can look her up Renee Burgess everything in her story about her life with having hiv. Brenda J story is the same now the only difference is she was 19 and the other stuff she was lying about

Replied on Brenda J

Apr 24 at 05:17 AM

Yes that’s her name

Replied on post was deleted

Apr 23 at 10:31 PM

I think Cardi went to far for real she’s from the bottom so why in the hell would you sue her and for that amount of money!! Blows me I can’t support cardi but she will reap what she sows


Apr 23 at 10:27 PM

Look up the lady whose husband gave her hiv she was pregnant with twins, now brenda j story is extremely a like almost identical. I also looked into the daddy whose is a gay pastor and a rapeist and nothing. But everyone in the church was supposed to know this.