Marilynn A Jones

Pasadena, CA, United States

Lawd TashaK--I'm doubling over with the physical antics, expressions in response to Shalon's videos---this is the humor that I're funnnn-knee!!--


Congratulations on Kandi for moving forward and betting on herself--Jason trying so hard to be messy!


Marilynn A Jones Wow--the lack of understanding is so astounding to me but let me be clear; being a Wineo doesn't mean I don't think for myself!


Brooke♍️❤️ We don't all have to agree and I stand by my view as you do, peorid!


Jessie Gavin Wineo, I know my options👋👋bye,bye & stand by my view.


Anisa Wineo Anisa, obviously you missed the meaning and thats ok...I stand by my view!

You got jokes, right--but I can respectfully disagree with you Wineo to Wineo.

This is just too much; the same ole ratchet BS and I'm tired of it. Your platform is suppose to be about" wine, comedy and gossip " and for me, you've missed the mark on the gossip part--its more like who can tell the most sexual,explicit,rude, freaky behavior about themselves or others & just plain foolishness. Even Ray Charles can see that your guests are clout chashing. I don't find anything funny about Diamond the Body's sexual exploits,peorid so why bring her back. I like your comedic commentary and the wine you drink. TashaK--you owe us so much more, beloved so do better!