Marilynn A Jones

Pasadena, CA, United States

Very good work Mrs Kebe...tone,laughter,content was spot on...keep moving on UP!

Why is Bilial revealing " tidbets" of his 38 year relationship with Will that disgraces Will character?.This is sooooo sad on all fronts. How do you proclaim to be a man of integrity and only fear Allah yet, you cant forgive and move forward after received slights from Will/Jada. Let's not do this any further TashaK--you're on the way up and this doesn't add to your brand.

TashaK, it's OK to have the breast reduction when it impacts your overall health. My neice had to wait until she was 18 (same height and bra size as you) for her mother to authorize the surgery and she's never looked back. Back problems and pain went away. So, after consultation with the doctor and your husband, do what makes you happy!

Wow, transpeople who believe that they are " women" are delusional and to blame Women for thier trials and tribulations IS BULLSHIT.The rationale he speaks on is flawed.

Too short but typical TashaK style; captivating the interviewee and getting to the wine--you go girl!

Hey TashaK...take care of you first.Yes, format the questions beforehand. People want to give toooo much background and simply don't know how to state the " question". As a master interviewer you will get to the issue. So, here's to a new format and please TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Commented on HOMECOMING

Nov 16 at 07:12 AM

Simply Beautiful...she's going to be taller than both of you; classy!

Lolololol....Natalie,she better call on the Lawd--but oh no-She's a sciencetologist🤣🤣🤣