
Only people that think Drake one are tethers..tethers got to stick together.

Apr 22 at 05:03 PM

I'm sick of NON FBA coming for us on public forums

Apr 22 at 04:50 PM

Hey ya'll are bon bon's videos posted here the same as her membership only videos? Let a chic know pleassse

The momma needs to be in PRISON,she's the sick fuck!


Can we all agree now that Clarence Freeman is an innocent man and outstanding father!

KB umm hunnie it is a good thing..just let it go! The MAN is innocent jeez get off his nutz already ..respectfully


Kimmies World why are you going so hard tho? You seem triggered and entirely to eager to paint the father as a liar or as sexual predator..where did these documents you keep posting all over the chat orginate from? I hope you researched the MOTHER this damn hard ..and I'm glad you are not dectective in real life ..but carry on hunnie ..I'm just questioning your motives


Elise Jamed exactly I don't know why some want to condemn him ..But a lot of this shit stems from the MOTHER


Kimmies World where does it say that on the document? i must have over looked it

Some of those WW love fucking dogs...ewwwweeeee!
