
Clarence Freeman Let's clarify: My intention in providing factual information on trauma is not to accuse you of anything. However, I find it concerning that you perceived your daughter being trafficked as "fast," and I maintain that stance. If she is falsely accusing you, I hope she gets her karma. 

Thee Elect Lady Tae Show I'm sorry you experienced abuse. However, it's important to recognize that each person's experience of trauma is unique.

Clarence Freeman #EducationMatters -You're speaking out of  your ass and demonstrate no formal education in trauma. Additionally, it's important to note that one isolated example shouldn't undermine an individual's entire history of trauma. Trauma is complex and multifaceted, and it's essential to approach it with empathy and understanding, rather than dismissiveness.

*Also, I used "sometimes" instead of "always." I was simply making a point about trauma. Comprehension is key. 🖕

Sometimes a person is stuck at the age they were first abused. Her behavior may seem childish but she was abused at a young age. For her dad to minimize her being trafficked to being “fast” is concerning and a red flag.

Her abuse started in childhood. Can you all recall every detail from the age of 5?

Dad seemed so disingenuous. As soon as he said “I took care of all of my kids,” I called 🧢. The way he dismissed her hypersexual behaviors as “fast” was concerning.

I can't say she is lying or telling the truth.

HOWEVER, Dissociative amnesia often happens because of very traumatic experiences, including abuse, war and natural disasters.

Age at the time of the trauma can impact a person's recollection of the event.

ALSO, the dad gives a disingenuous vibe.


As a licensed therapist, I would refer them to Jesus. I am trained to help people through messy situations, and was like “hell no.”

She definitely ripped off Shera Seven as well. These non-black women Christopher Colombus everything.

She ripped off Cyn G. and other BWE channels.