
Angela DAVIS See what I mean, she wasnt all that clear, she was supposed to say that we can’t expect men to be x,y,z because they are incapable of love and this is why men are incapable of love. Its like she’s trying to sell her book but without a mini synopsis as to WHY you should follow her or purchase her book. Although she’s intriguing, she missed her opportunity on Tashas platform to allow herself to be truly “re-introduced”. She thinks shes a household name to ALL.


That’s why I left my original comment they way I did. At first it wasn’t about her convincing anyone. She actually would explain why men are incapable of love, and tbh I agreed. But I see this pimp mentality in her (too much influence from reading and researching that one pimp) shes using her research on women, and doing what these men do to women as if it’s a live experiment. I think Princella is brilliant and her research is backed by peer reviewed articles, however, attempting to break down and understand her is going to be a long process for someone who has no idea of who she is. Her lives and explanations would be hours long (Im talking 3-5 hours) you already saw how long winded she is 😂


Angela DAVIS https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Aib3sXgBxCE&t=7813s&pp=ygUrTXkgZXhwZXJpZW5jZSB3aXRoIHByaW5jZWxsYSB0aGUgcXVlZW5tYWtlZQ%3D%3D

She put it on her page, but she was on the other girls live she’s sitting with. I guess she took it down off of her youtube…and turned off all comments once she put the video on her page.


Ashley Thank you for correcting me, I’m glad you caught that. You have to be precise in these internet streets.

Angela DAVIS I meant B Taylor…Ill change it in my comment so I dont confuse anyone…Princella was all about this community of women…I started seeing this change once she came out the closet. It was rhis pimp mentality over women. I stopped following her before her and B Taylor started dating. I guess a bunch of ish hit the fan a month ago. B Taylor had took the video down with the comments. Idk if she put it back up but it was on another influencers youtube page. She came out with her story on her “experience with Princella The Queenmaker” I wasn’t suprised with some things I had been observing. In short she stated that the tsctics shes saying men use, Princella herself was using the same tactics on women.




Angela DAVIS She does, but she didn’t say it…which is pointless. She was speaking as of Tasha was not introducing Princella to her audience. There was more monologue than dialogue. She did kinda go in circles and her switchup to how she used to be has made me see her in a different light. Not the same Princella & I see her for what she really is now.


She didn’t list the 5 components of Love, she didnt give a good synopsis to those who don’t know who she is… lt did she mention what mem are incapable of doing…if I didn’t follow her I wouldn’t know. Oh and btw, she says rhat men are incapable of love and she backs her theory however if I didn’t follow her for as long as I was, I wouldn’t even be able to tell you that. 🤦🏽‍♀️


She can’t she too busy licking on box


I have to be honest, I’m not really sure how to feel about Princella anymore, esp after B Taylor came out with her story. Not that my opinion is worth anything 🤷🏽‍♀️