
Why come on the show if you’re not going to share the full story?…


Using the lamp lights when getting your nails done, or perhaps cancer treatments-it made a family member of mines hands very dark.

Jun 26 at 07:44 PM

Absolutely not. Thank you


Jun 18 at 10:07 PM

I dont have X…I thought thats why we paid for these subscriptions chile


Jun 18 at 07:25 PM

Wheew Chileeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Would you happen to know any more information on this? I’m just thinking if everyone could come together to help in some way, this could be time to maybe start a go fund me, pay up apartment to allow her to finish school, idk a car or gas money to get her to and from. Ughhh this is saddening.

She’s Naive & Impressionable. She basically admitted that. Its not a cult, the cult thing is an excuse for her being naive.

All sense isn’t common. And whats common sense to you, isnt common sense to someone else.


I stopped watching Princely before she ‘came out’. Princellas disposition was very different then, than what it is today. All of a sudden she was starting to dress manly and was just different. Some earlier messages of hers were interesting and backed by peer reviewed articles of men’s inability to love. Her channel WAS more about healing, letting women speak and work through situations of abuses and to create a community of women who could help each other. I stopped watching because something was just off especially (on one live she had her tits out on a call teasing a male caller telling him she knows “he likes these titties because they’re pretty”) I feel that was the beginning of her ‘grooming’ her subscribers.


Nope, I told you you weren’t when she came in that interview with TK saying a whole lotta nothing 😂