
TASHA!! This was the truth. That Columbus Short segment almost made me cry. How these dudes always can find it in the heart to dishonor Black Women? Tired of this shit, Man, they are depressing. 

Jun 21 at 07:34 PM

I would but I’m so busy! Plus I only have a couple of those social media but I hope you get some good folks!


Jun 12 at 04:26 PM

Please be careful! 😰


Jun 12 at 03:28 PM

Y’all be safe🙏🏾

May 15 at 10:32 PM



May 15 at 10:09 AM

Sorry to hear it Tasha. Feel better soon! 🙏🏾

Commented on Happening now

May 04 at 01:04 PM


He needs some therapy. I know he’s making light of stuff and he’s actually amusing🤣 but I feel the pain behind the way he is especially the sexual aspects. I pray for him to break through the superficial layers to where he can see how that promiscuous sexuality dims his light.

Messed up story and it don’t seem like he lyin about the girl smh. He comes across really genuine and not dishonest, especially admitting his stupid mistake but of course I don’t know him personally— but 😒. Imagine losing your honestly earned career and having your engagement/marriage threatened for a snap tipsy decision to go up to that room with K mf Michele🤦🏾‍♀️

Nah the person would only have argued her down like with everything else—determined to be strong wrong. Tasha lets people show just how damn stupid they are themselves😂