Antonette Eastmond

I’m taking away all yall sexy cards 🃏 yall not seeing right at all

If that not some ignorant shit🧐u can’t take on nobody blood 🩸 like that, sir ur school system failed 😞 u


I’m I d only 1 thinking Being locked like that made her a little delusional


Tasha she needs therapy not teach no damn class . What’s wrong with u.u wrong 4 that

So you just gave him all the cash n not left any for yourself and expect him to give u back d money. U a little slow

So u sleep with someone after you tell them u hungry an all they bought was a condom. Did u even got d food. That’s so crazy.

It’s sad 😔 she went through that at a young age

If feels like ur hiding ur true self. That’s y ur being dragged. There r some straight men who just enjoy cross dressing. But u give fake.

U know who he reminds me of, that lady who came out married to a street light pole saying love is love. If ur not comfortable with a label just say so but don’t just make shit up in our faces. Just be u