Yolanda Higginbotham

Atlanta, GA, United States

Feb 14 at 06:12 PM

If thats true then the incest/close blood relation could be the reason for the baby’s handicap. He is nonverbal. Im saying maybe so please dont come for me cause I aint responding if you do. 😂

Feb 13 at 11:23 PM

It was just getting good and ended! talk about cliffhanger 😂


Feb 12 at 03:26 PM

Peaches Royale was right about delivery! My order was confirmed 02/08 and it arrived today! I like this customer service! 🙏🏾💜

Feb 09 at 08:21 PM

And he can still perform!


Feb 09 at 08:11 PM

Somebody better get Keith Sweat LOL apparently he got drunk and starts ranting about cheating ex LOLOL



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Feb 09 at 12:09 PM

🤗🥹🙏🏾💜🙌🏽🥰😘this was sooo beautiful Tasha. I dont believe in all your beliefs but I love and your platform. You are an awesome mother to your children and wife to your husband but most of all you allow your winos to disagree with you and your opinions without cussing us out or blocking. Im not talking about allowing winos being disrespect because no one shoallow that but I am talking about agreeing and disagreeing as it relates to content and stories etc. Continue to be respectful and apologizing and correcting yourself when you are wrong and you will always be on top. Forever Wino Gang!

Feb 09 at 05:33 AM

Lookik like both mom and dad 🙏🏾💜 he is so handsome. Protect this young prince at all cost!!


Feb 08 at 05:52 PM

Tasha K you are ok! You cant help that it was a popular demand I typed to slow lol. 💜🙏🏾🍷

Feb 08 at 03:49 PM

Just ordered mine. Hope it doesn’t get cancelled because they ran out like the clove order. 🙏🏾 used my discount code!

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Feb 05 at 10:27 PM

Praying for you and your family’s safety. Once you get the restraining order you can protect yourself and your family legally. 🙏🏾