
Aug 10 at 08:34 PM


And I just realized I actually do have a slight smile in this picture 🤣that man was just looking for any reason to demean me and it did not work. It just showed me that Shorty was right about black men in America.🤷‍♀️

Juanita Cummings dont project lol i didnt say she didnt look nice or put together. But is it possible she forgot she had that on? Thats all.


Not apologizing to the momma that failed her being molested at 4 played a huge part and i have family who were labled “problem child” when really they were actin out of trauma that went un dealt with

Wait Does she know she still had her melt band on lol

All have been mentioned and interviewed by Mark Latia on Soft White u derbellt if anyone cares to hear other women speak on them too



Aug 06 at 10:10 AM

He was tryna make Tasha afford him a new side tooth but the judge said “aht aht!” 🤣


Aug 05 at 07:22 PM

I posted this cus one of our last lives she said 50 is coming for Jay & Bey catching strays lol but you gotta watch the live. Cus girrrrrrl Tasha dropped some heavy diddy and 50 wine ALLEGEDLY of course 🥂🤣

Aug 05 at 07:05 PM

Now why in the fck did i spell seen like that smh lol im not slow y’all i promise 😂

Ooohhhhhh so THATS WHY everyone been saying “jay z is next to be exposed”


Jag look like an angry penguin
