
NobleRapportLife📸 so i went to school and said my sister these people called my mom and told her what i said …. My mom said “her sister is inly 2 and is never left alone this isnt true at all” smh i just had soo much empathy for my friend and it literally bothered me all day in school to know this that i told the teacher something completely wrong.

Tawana G soo its weird for me because im reading it and i have to put my mental in the space of a 7-8 year old right…. And so tasha thinks shes lying because in the break beat media interview she said “idk who took my v, my dad my brothers all was doing this to me” this document says that 8 year okd chantelle reported SPECIFICALLY “only my dad did it” as a child the only time we say something didint haooen is when it in fact happened. Because who asked u if anyone else did anything? “Only my dad did” sounds like 1. Shes absolutely lying and covering uo for someone else who did it (the one i think) 2. Someone coached her to “tell then it was only ur dad! Dont get noone else in toruble” idk….but i will say as a child i never forget going to school and telling my teacher that my sister was raped by her uncle…… WHOLE TIME i was in a domestic violence shelter with my mom and met a friend names Tia who that was HER situation and when she told me (her child hood friend) it devasted me

Listen, this is my last comment on this. There is too many people cooperating, clearances story, including the documentation that he’s provided there can be some debate about whether or not exceptionally cleared means what he is saying it meant versus what it actually means that’s fine but outside of that, he checks out from the stepdaughter to the ex-wife to his son, all three of them have spoken on behalf and Chantelle’s mother said her facts are not straight and that woman has mental illness so I think it’s safe to say Chantel is a liar and an attention seeker and she owes her family a bunch of apologies and she needs to get herself some help because she has been through a lot

Tawana G Yeah, I’m with you on this comment. But the one thing that makes me think he’s innocent is because a man who is so busy with all of those women that he had pretty much getting any woman that he wants why would he look to sleep with his daughter who he knows has genital orts that’s kind of bizarre. Doesn’t make any sense.


Can they all just come together and all of them take lie detectors every single last person’s name that has been mentioned, including the goddamn mama


And Tasha, you may have a little bias against Chantel because she is a liar, We all watched our lie on you directly. However, you were interpreting exceptionally cleared Wrong. And there’s more than one type of clearance it seems like exceptionally clear just means that something was preventing them from obtaining evidence to arrest him. Doesn’t mean that there wasn’t any.

I looked it up

"Exceptionally cleared" is a case status that indicates that law enforcement has cleared an incident without arresting or formally charging the offender. This happens when there are elements beyond law enforcement's control, such as the death of the offender. For example, if the offender commits suicide or is killed by police or citizens, the case is exceptionally cleared.”

He made it seem like exceptionally cleared meant he was cleared of all charges because there was so much proof that he didn’t do anything, but that’s not what exceptionally cleared means damn clearance I don’t know. Does he have herpes or not because he said that there was a situation where they thought he had herpes like what is really going on because you said Chantel doesn’t have her baby she has warts, then you were to believe to have herpes but I thought this was about warts not herpes. I’m confused.

Mannnn at this point Chantels momma got some explaing to di she got nerve telli g her child she needs to get her facts straight when shes the one Who taught her how to have them all crooked

Oh hell, no not you trying to minimize the effects of STDs. Did this girl really just say if I get something it’s no big deal and there’s too much stigma around catching STDs? Girl, you can walk around with a burning Coochie trying to get a doctors appointment for a week if you want to buy your damn self, don’t preach that shit like it’s OK.