
Gerri-may Phillips it’s not.. it’s a human thing. Stop making it about the color of someone’s skin.. I’m black and my dog is a house pet and his feet gets cleaned when he step back into the house doesn’t make you dirty


Feb 08 at 06:17 PM

Indiana but not Chicago 😩☹️


Now that you mention it a lot BW been coming online crying wolf and tricking us… Wtf going on..?? Why are they lying when it’s hard to get ppl to believe us in the first place. This like the 5th incident i read about a BW lying on a black man

Jan 10 at 07:13 PM


Nov 27 at 10:12 PM

I don’t know I was watching too then all of a sudden it turned off


Exactly… weed don’t make you slur your words like that 💯