I get tired of hearing Tasha sniff after every other sentence like girl you speak for an hour sometimes two hours nobody wanna hear you sniffing every other word what is wrong with your nose that just sounds terrible. It’s 2025. Can you please cut that sound out the comments so I can state my opinion and say what I want

Nothing was proven, and she can speak on whatever she wants to speak on her husband is not her. She has a mind of her own and she can speak what she wants. Y’all have to stop trying to put Nikki‘s husband against her every time she has an opinion or something, just let me know y’all weak minded and have nothing else to come up with


Y’all are slow everybody can have an opinion and just because she paid her money to watch mess doesn’t necessarily mean she likes Tasha. That’s a thing you can pay to watch content and not actually like the person who is delivering the messy


Laugh if somebody get beat his diabolical and is her fake ass laughing me Tasha some things are not funny

Girl, you sound normal no shade you always sound like you stoped up when you talk

Make it make sense you stayed alonger on YouTube so us paying app people have to get a shorter show over here? Lord, I’m trying to hold onto my subscription, but I’m getting tired of interviews with people and half shows I like full shows that’s why I got the app because the one on YouTube isn’t enough.


Maybe sound like ari but definitely don’t look