Eden Stoned

Feb 24 at 12:38 PM

💕 You're most welcome


Tasha! Cynthia can be reached on patreon and by email



All your points on Wendy are spot on. What we are witnessing is her team being dirty and cruel, everything people say about them. I'm praying for her 🔥

Vonetta seems like she's ok with her sister being the talkative one. It seems like their dynamic to me. I don't think it was done maliciously.

Shauntee Thomason wow...the things we pick up from adults and internalize...I'm so sorry.

You sound like a toxic gen x ma too


Dec 21 at 10:07 PM


I call cap! He knew. It sounds like a man, it is a man. Like...he acting like a man sooooo the manager knew and had a kink to get off LMFAO

Nov 15 at 02:59 PM

I love that people are citing Unwine With Tasha K too 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Nov 09 at 10:49 AM

Honestly, she's funny af but so annoying. I need her to be serious for once and not try to be viral. I LIKE this transwoman, Sydney *IS* a BAD BITCH for sure but listen translady, you're not MOTHER like we are. As long as y'all get that we can all be friends but for the past decade or so it's about putting down the women who BIRTH YOU. It's gotta stop tbh. Sydney is beautiful but I'm not sure they genuinely *GET* that they are not a biological woman.