Even Stars Die

when a star dies it's violent. it can burst or implode- due to that instability, CREATION is happening. Something new is birthed.

Hey Nylah! I remember back when you and Cyn G were streaming together. I'm so glad to see you on Tasha K's platform. ๐Ÿ’™


Feb 13 at 10:55 AM

TK LIVE I am READY for this app to become IT. You inspire me and I love us, I can't wait until you open this up for us to make content too because I'll be one of the first to sign up. You're right, we need a place where we can feel safe. I support us, I support BLACK WOMEN 100% so I cannot wait to help you and help me and help us and at the same time get that SHMONEYY



Ewww sharing a toothbrush....LADIES STOP JUST STOP

Feb 01 at 02:56 AM

For anyone confused, I'm in SUPPORT always and Tasha need to sue that heffa. Don't misconstrue the comedy for shade. I have the same humor as Tasha so again...SUE THAT BITCH

Feb 01 at 02:54 AM

Nah chill, I am SUPPORT of TK LIVE please sue that heffa for no less than 4 milli! I have the SAME humor as Tasha don't play with me


Jan 31 at 09:56 PM

Tasha when you sue her tell her you need $4 milly because how dare!


He need jail not a woman to terrorize but yeah he weird...and criminal apparently


I remember the little cricket leg in between my teeth...maaaan omg


LOL TK LIVE I ate a cricket before. I ate 2 of em, raw because...I wanted to impress this guy I was crushing on. Girl LMFAO it's so embarrassing I should make a video but I bought him a bag of crickets from the pet store. The cashier was like, "aww is this for a lizard? What kind do you have?" And I said "my friends lizard" LOL ๐Ÿ˜† anyway LSS the small cricket was real crunchy and the bigger one was crunchy and gooey ๐Ÿคฎ but I ate that shit and burped a long 10/10 burp afterward. I was FULL and grossed out but then we drank some whiskey on the big rock in Central Park and smoked a blunt. Ugh. That's my cricket story ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

It should be illegal for you to have kids ๐Ÿ˜’
