

Mar 03 at 08:38 PM

Tasha, pleaee do an update on carbonation and the members that you interviewed.๐Ÿท๐ŸŽŸ๐Ÿ’ž


Commented on MAMA IYA (uncut)

Mar 02 at 07:54 PM

Ok, so she was 30 when she struck out to Costa Rica with no money.๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Replied on MAMA IYA (uncut)

Mar 02 at 07:38 PM

...and it shows.

Commented on JUJU (uncut)

Mar 02 at 12:37 PM

As a mother, this was really hard to watch.


So she was the one that got away, and her daughter has to pay for that the for life...sad!


San Francisco ๐Ÿท๐ŸŽŸ๐Ÿท๐ŸŽŸ๐Ÿท๐ŸŽŸ๐Ÿท๐ŸŽŸ๐Ÿท


Feb 08 at 02:22 PM

SAN FRANCISCOโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ

This is interesting. I haven't seen her since Hustle and Flow, but I liked her in that. The line I remember most is about her "knocking into shit". Lol

What's up with San Francisco Tashaโ“๏ธโ“๏ธโ“๏ธ
