
Bryant, AR, United States

He may sound saucy, but he not the kind of man you need to worry about. It's the ones that come across as hard and bout the life you should worry about.

Just say!

He's lying! Toya was riding for him before him and Toya got married. She was saying Michelle was lying before marriage and after marriage. Turmoil entered your household because you starting putting hands on Toya.

Being here is optional! Paying is too 🤷‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️


I'm sure the worse thing about having friends as actors and actresses, is you never know when they're acting or when they're genuine.

I personally thing Will genuinely like and love this man. He kept him around too long and did fog by him at the same time. He in an unfortunate situation where he HAS to choose Jada.

I wish she would just let him go and handle things like an adult... or get pass the past, because she chose to stay and let that man be a man

He heard many of us when we asked, "why go after Will if it's Jada you have the issue with? If you know it's because of what she has on him, and that is why he's silent or not responding how he might want to. Why attack him?"

Hr did not go too hard on Will, but I do understand his hurt behind Will. 😔

🤣🤣 Right! Then TK say, "well we can verify she's bald "🤣🤣
