Toodle doo

Did u block your ears about the part that he's being cheated? Or should he keep quiet just because she's a black woman?

I agree with the people who think you're delusional. You shouldn't be here paying to watch a liar.


Mary did not want to be touched at all by Usher. At all.

I love the "man in wig" bit. For nothing other than free speech.

Loll... This is not Sonya. I'm just giving my opinion of the interview. Did u read the full comment?

Tasha was really trying to twist this lady but she held it. She wishes the guy gets back to his wife. The guy seems to have had really shady dealings making it easy for the police to hang him on things even if he's eventually innocent in these things. She seems to not mind what ppl think of her as long as she believes he's being roped. He himself never really absolved himself apart from bestiality and gay accusations.