
Chicago, IL, United States

Jun 21 at 09:36 AM

What is it!

Jun 20 at 09:09 AM

Is it up on members only??

bam bam franks definitely. some guards are corrupt and/or don’t like them just as much as the prisoners. I know an ex con who gave justice by bribing a guard. That man now eats through a straw.

These men will and do get what they deserve if or when convicted. Some prisoners will even call the victims and ask do they want them to touch them and if so, send money. Shit gets real in there.

I almost threw up listening to this. The mother enabling it. Father proposing? Kick him in his MF head.


Yall the way they dehumanize child molestors in prison even the guards. The guards let the prisoners get to them while in segregation. This man WILL NOT GO UNHARMED in this life or the next. I can promise that.

Jun 10 at 09:31 PM

Awww TK looks happy . This is a good pic for both of you ❤️

Ok last comment and then I am done winos. We HAVE TO HELP HER. Any mother out there knows it takes a fucking VILLAGE hell a NATION to raise children. She has FIVE and she’s healing.

If she has a cashapp then pleas pass it along. I’m not a doctor or therapist and I don’t live close but I can donate.

Lex - I know you’ve been alone but you are not alone anymore. Whether you want us to love and support you or not, we’re going to be there! Ima keep praying and trying to get updates on your well being. I send nothing but well wishes. You’re GOING TO SURVIVE, get them babies back and PROSPER to heights you never thought possible. You doin it girl. Period! 🫂🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️

The way I wish I could have gone back in time and swooped in to grab her and her brother and bring them back to my house. This shit is HEARTBREAKING and I just wish I could’ve wonder woman’d her childhood 🥺


27, 5 kids…. I only have one and I want to drop his ass at the fire station DAILY…

8000 American dollars to beat up a tree and live in someone else’s house????? WHITTTEEE PEOPLEE PLEASE DO BETTERRRRRR 😭😭😭😭😭😭