Erica Moore

Right, she expected to keep having health benefits after she quit, they didn’t even fire her…..where they do that at

I’m sure Tori was going thru the same when he was cheating on her with Eniko…you know the saying, what goes around comes around 🤷🏿‍♀️

That’s the real tea, cause one thing that does not care about celebrities is insurance companies…..if they get wind of this alleged insurance fraud😥

So wait..she expects health insurance after she quits a job…where they do that at. Even with COBRA you have to pay for it yourself…that’s why most people don’t even utilize it, because it’s expensive.

Silly Sonya is pretty convincing, I might have to agree with her, my question is why didn't any of his lawyers do a forensic audit on his computer and phone  

I said the same, def looks every bit of in her 50's, but she is a nice looking woman.
