Ms Roe

Happy Birth-Day Tasha Pisces In The Building. Don’t Act Like Y’all Don’t Know 🤭♥️✌🏽💥🫡

Due to the comments I’ve been reading here It made me go back and watch it again. I read one comment that said Tasha had her mind made up already and I call cap on that statement. I think Tasha was moving like an Interrogator. She set up the scene and then she had all her basic information put out there and then when she realized that it was all lies, she came back at her with that same statements that she had clarified in her early statements, so with that said, I think Tasha did an excellent job and breaking down the facts and making her Say what’s really true and after Tasha start really telling her the lies that she had told she got really upset about it and started being very emotional and I think Tasha did an excellent job and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. ♥️✌🏽💥🫡

I love the “I don’t remember defense” She’s a pro. It’s hard to penetrate her lies. 😔♥️✌🏽💥🫡


This sounds like a whole lot of potatoes with no meat. A Lair is a lair and the truth ain’t in them. I hope God bless her soul. 😔♥️✌🏽💥🫡


I luv Corey as a comedian as well. It’s funny how people are quick to jump on the destructive train to destroy a black man by any means necessary. I am not looking for a pick me approval from anyone else to agree with my opinion but we need to look at these people for entertainment purposes only and not for judging them. It’s not My business how other people do their own business. Stay Focused people. ♥️✌🏽💥🫡

I’m more of a point one finger and three pointing back at you type of person. Like I said people will do almost anything in this day and time for Attention. Good, Bad or indifference. Tasha be careful with these people out here seeking attention because Attention is a dangerous drug. ♥️✌🏽🫡💥

She’s lying already saying Tasha asked her to take a Lie detector test when she is the one who initiated the test to be taken. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Don’t Blame March 🤭It’s Pisces ♓️ Season. ❤️💥🫡


It sounds like a set up to me. Charlemagne said they can stop pretending that they didn’t know she was pregnant. Or did I hear that Wrong. 🫣🤔🫡

Tasha not having her child here with her has nothing to do with negligence. She checks on him on a regular basis. He is away learning a valuable lesson about life and he definitely can’t acquire that value about himself and life in America. Don’t compare her to trifling ass Monique. She and her husband are parenting from a distance and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. You can’t compare apples to oranges. Stop the madness. ♥️✌🏽💥🫡
