She Angel

She probably was used up in the industry and never even connected the dots because she started so young. She probably thought it was her the ones that get pmped out by ttheir own parents and relatives and never even notice it. And because of how...expressive she is-people judge her and just think she's crazy.. Can't wait for psychologists to start analyzing some of these interviews...

if you gonna fght that other side-have God on your side. 


saying you are a woman, but blaiming women for not having equal rights, and not fighting for and standing up for women is...interesting...

I have a question for her...I know she's busy but is she accepting clients, because I need a manager-and she knows her stuff.


only seen the trailer so far.. but that other video made me think...well...maybe bobby was 8 years old when it happened...? i am losing all my fav celebities man lmbo...please tell me he was only 5 when he did that....

me reading some of the comments thinking...chi-town pimps would have a field day with some of these people..

Tamara Hodge her brother confirmed things happened to her by them-and blaimed her-saying it was her fault...

her side eye is given...she is forced to be there...

seems like he was coached...hope he is really telling his side-not someone elses...