Oshina borders

I'm a mother of 4 educated and love gossip and wine and also a ppl person a social butterfly


Dec 18 at 02:40 AM

Am I the only one that missed the live and it's still not playing what's going on tasha

Dec 17 at 08:02 PM

i cant stand destiny 

Commented on What we got here?

Dec 09 at 09:00 PM

i said he was next omg now look


Dec 03 at 02:20 AM

is he talking about young star ? from okc if so please stop

Nov 12 at 09:37 PM

I hope this is ai

Nov 03 at 11:18 PM

on top of that her little sister is not disrespectful its not my fault her mother nor father told her to respect her elders but my 3 by him and even my daughter will not disrespect anyone. and i mean any adult it doesnt matter if its blood or not . but im going on to say if you need to stay with your dad and his significant other respect the rules if you cant get out especially if you are 21 but like i said my chldren are younger ages 12 1 2 3 i dont have to go through that yet i dont mistreat no ones child at all but me and her father has came up with a pplan her go stay with my sister because im not going to tolerate the craziness 

Nov 03 at 11:11 PM

you are not right. maam because i would do that to my biological child if she was that age 

Nov 01 at 01:57 AM

im not good at typing as you guys can see i never took a typing class. i think about that all the time i dont wantt anything to happen to her so we decided to just find her an apt of her own and cosign so she can have her own just until she can build enough credit to get her own apartment in her name


Oct 30 at 10:16 PM

come on tasha whats going on start the live