Yami Diego

Anybody that is not for procreation is under the influence of satanic deception. It is the exact opposite of what God said for man and woman to do, which is to procreate and replenish the earth. Satan has always been jealous that human beings can procreate and he and his fallen angels cannot multiply. So he possesses people like princella, and the bill gates to find ways to stop what God has said to for humans to do, which is to procreate because God is a propornate for life. It is written The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 KJV. Now be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth. Gen. 9:7 NLT. The Desire for some of us to want to marry and have children is from God. And if this is you, you do not need to be ashamed of that. Don’t let no one tell you, you don’t need to have a family of your own. Ask The Lord to guide and match you to a person who will fulfill the desire that God has put in you. The Lord will answer your prayer if you allow Him to work His will for you. However, God does not impose on our will if we want different than what He says He wants for us. He is respectful of the choices and will not force you to take His choice or way.


Jun 12 at 05:14 PM

Don’t worry, take care of yourself. Be safe sending prayers up. 🙏🏾

Jun 01 at 04:36 PM

Absolutely gorgeous and brilliant too? Congrats mom good job! 👏🏾

Commented on Big Facts!

Jun 01 at 04:34 PM

Love this… hadn’t thought about that. It’s true.


Your babies are beautiful Tasha, but your baby girl is absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations. I pray they grow closer and closer to you in love always 🙏🏾

Everything comes out to the light; nothing is hidden under the sun. Jay z had a score and 10 days to make this right, but chose to listen to the devil’s lawyers and judges. The devil is not faithful to anyone but is a deceiver and will always be. He always drops his followers in the end and leaves them to shame while he goes away laughing. It’s never worth it. All will fall at the end who follow him. This young man was created for a great purpose and it was a way for Jay z to receive the true blessings of God, but he chose deceit instead. Wow.

Rymir is the first fruit and the first fruits belong to God and are the heirs of all the blessings. God continue to bless you and keep you, Rymir. You’re destined for greatness. It was a pleasure to had witnessed you. 🙏🏾


May 31 at 06:10 PM


May 31 at 06:07 PM

She is stunning!!.!!Yep Jay-Z made that baby and wanted to be with her that’s why he came back for her. That’s eye candy!!!!!

Yeah! The Lord saw this injustice long time ago and it’s taking care of it. Damn Jay how can you let these crackers mess your first fruit up like that. Don’t you know the blessing that comes from your first fruit? And you let them white folks take that from you for $40K. Very diabolical shame on you.

Y’all are funny tho 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
