
This was a great and very informative interview. I did not know at my big age such a person existed; men to identify as Feminine yet only be attracted to women. I always wondered about Prince and now I know and have a better understanding. Very informative interview.

Pashon I drink,curse and wear worldly clothing. I'm far from perfect. Im a work in progress. I am also not married to a "PASTOR" I apologize if I came across judgemental I was simply expressing my opinion.

Congratulations on your union. Paying tithes only,and quoting scripture doesn't make you save nor will it get you into heaven. My only question is has either of you repented of your Sins and been baptized? I'm asking because she still cussing, drinking and not dressing conservatively & still doing Only fans. In my opinion, she is not doing a good job representing her husband the Pastor. Also him as a Pastor being ok with all the ungodly acts his wife is doing. Respectfully, in my opinion, neither of them are representing or being good examples of God. Psalm 7:11-13

She is very bothered by being referred to as a Ho. She keep trying to justify why she not a Ho.