MP thats me

Well guess what. My sister lied to my whole family and said she was pregnant ordered a fake stomach for 11 months….. Key word 11 months and then told me the baby was born the 11 month and said he was in ICU and then told the rest of the fam he was born 2 weeks later then said he died and we weren’t aloud to come to the funeral and then took someone babies pictures offline and got a full size body pic made and said it was her baby but she stole pictures of someone’s baby on the internet. So their is a such thing as Habitual liars that do the shit for no reason. She also told someone that she tells people what ever comes to her mind. If that man did that he would be in jail and they probably would have him on GPS and he wouldn’t even be aloud to be around her or his other kids.


Man this made me shed some tears and had me thinking of the people i know that are liars and live a life of only if we knew. And to know their are more people like this is just sick and sad…..


She knows by now she would have corrected it.

Well, damn. She sounds like she may be a pathological, liar, and she possibly has made herself believe what She says


Right…. He said fuck my life I want this money…. 🤦🏽‍♀️
