Brandi Edwards

Lee Lee Martell supposedly brandished the gun. However, the incident report is fake. It isn’t real. The knife in the wall…is staged. Mel was never arrested because it never happened. Martell even stated in this video that Mel has never been arrested. We need to learn to check things out for ourselves and look at the facts. That means remove the emotions or else you will have an inaccurate conclusion. These videos do not show a woman losing her mind. They show a woman defending herself from an abuser. Abuse isn’t only physical.

Just Honest Exactly! He definitely deleted that image. And notice how his texts turned He can't even fake texts The texts are in app browser. You can tell because there's an extra box behind what's supposed to be the texts. Big

Please take him Hit him up in his DM's. Anything to help this dude get a new life so he can stop obsessing over his ex wife. 


Takia W So someone steals $17,000 out of your bank account and you're going to remain calm? Her reaction isn't toxic. His stealing from her account is. And while she was already paying his bills to keep his lights on, and a roof over his head so he could have a place for his kids to go to when it was his turn to get them. Oh, and...if he got them because sometimes he doesn't because he says its hard and he doesn't have the money.


There goes that "I'm so sorry." 🤣 That's when you know Martell is lying. Next on the docket is "things of that nature."

Tasha girl we are seeing his heart. He shows himself as a man that is emotionally deranged. We are seeing his heart. We are seeing the real him...even with the same old lies that he's telling in this video.


Girl, Tasha you are lying yourself in this video. I watched that interview you did with Melody. And Mel said herself in the interview that she was scared to interview with you because she's heard about you. Now you're taking that and running with it.smh


Takia W We know Martell lies. We don't have to second guess that because he is lying about stuff that is out in the open. This dude is lying about stuff that is very public as if we don't watch the show or follow them in social media. Martell is still telling the same old lies in this interview with Tasha. He's just trying to frame it as if Mel is the aggressor. The wole world knows the truth by now. Even TMZ...thanks to his publicist. 🤣


He's lying. Everything that he is lying about was witnessed on the show. He just chooses to lie because he wants to ruin her image. He told his publicist that he his goal is to bring her down to a leveled playing field with him. And his publicist told that to a blogger named Queen Shiba. He did an interview with Queen Shiba in hopes of doing what he's doing here with Tasha. But Queen Shiba had the Court Documents and wouldn't let him lie.


What's sad is sleeping with your enemy as they steal your money, incite something foul against you then record your reaction. He is a prime example of why I do not want to get married. 
