Brandi Edwards

If you all do not have context to go with this interview then save your comments because you will be wrong. That’s a guarantee.🤣


Takia W I can tell you don’t watch the show. I’ve been watching this show since day one. Martell’s entire storyline is Melody. Even when Melody refused to film scenes with him…he still talked about that lady.🤣 Season 5 and 6 his confessionals were about Melody and she wasn’t even filming with him.🤣🤣 He could be in a scene with other cast members and his confessional would still be about Mel.🤣 I’m sorry but you all have got to at least get the context behind this dude before commenting.


And here he goes recycling this lie about she confessed to cheating…which was played on one of the reunions. It was the layup for Arionne to release the recording of Martell and Mel and pretend it was another dude the Mael cheated with. Martell already confirmed several times that Mel did not cheat on him and if she did then somebody would’ve been hurt. That is out of his mouth. The only reason he did this interview with Tasha is because Carlos announced his love sit down with Mel. Let me meet this lying demon one day.

If yall want to know the truth then go watch Martell’s interview with Queen Shiba. Tasha let this dude come on here and flat out lie after he’s already done an interview confessing to threatening Mel. He also sent Queen Shiba the court files and he did indeed abuse his son and their son was the one that told it. Martell is the one that is good at that manipulation type stuff. How do I know? Well Smarty Marty posted the videos on his own IG page when he was manipulating his kids. He’s now describing it as Mel instead of himself. I wanted this man to get himself together and stop obsessing over his wife’s success but this dude is just weird. A Bama demon. I hate liars. 😡


Martell the viewers know what we know because YOU are the one telling us everything in interviews, on your IG, when you act an ignorant fool on the show. You are telling your own story sir.🤣🤣🤣

Bruh, you said in the Queen Shiba interview that you sent Mel an image of the recording. You said “Mel doesn’t know if there’s a recording.” “Yeah, I sent her an image, but she doesn’t know if there’s a recording.” And Arionne confirmed everything Karson said in that audio with OSNC. Martell can’t even lie to save his life.🤣🤣🤣

His publicist arranged this interview.🤣🤣🤣 She also told another CC that Martell’s goal is to “bring Mel down to a leveled playing field.” He’s been shopping around his story. But I see he left out their court documents this time because the court documents reveal that he did in fact beat their son, and used other abusive methods on their kids. He was ordered to a psyche evaluation, ordered to individual therapy, and therapy with their son because he beat him with a back scratcher…25 hits and the skin broke on his son on the 25th hit. He wanted all of his ex wife’s passwords to her accounts, her phones, emails, and social media. These were his real requests in the court documents. They only had a child custody case because they were due to be in court for a restraining order case against him…but his attorney told him to file for full custody to prevent that case from happening. He puts all of their business out there and has the nerve to sit here and say it is Mel.🤣

Mel already said everything you’re saying here. She even tried to save her marriage. She left because Martell told her that he consulted with the older men and they were telling him how to cheat better. She knew he was t trying to change.

You don’t watch the show do you?🤣 Mel was the breadwinner of their home. Martell is spinning a narrative because yall don’t know him. Those employees that he’s talking about…they’re the employees that begged Mel on the show to take them with her when she left to start her own company.🤣🤣🤣 Mel called them into her office to tell them that she and Martell were getting divorced and she was starting her own company. The employees said “What’s going to happen to us because you know he doesn’t know what he’s doing?” It’s in season 1 or season 2. Yall have to know facts before going in with your emotions. Martell and his friends (the other cast members) are mad and bashing Mel to this day because she called off their business group after she learned Martell was still messing around with Arionne and all of his friends knew it and were helping him to hide it and even hide the bills he was paying for Arionne. Their wives knew it and their wives were the one that revealed it on the show.


Martell Lied Well, Melody hasn’t spoken on any of these things so we wouldn’t know her side of the story. However, these are the same stories that Martell has been telling since Mel left. The difference is that now he’s trying to make himself sound like the victim. He’s literally taken the same old stories that he’s already confessed to and is placing himself as the victim. None of this is new. And every interview that he’s done telling these stories are still on YouTube. His mistress even revealed the truth to Original Straight No Chaser and she’s been releasing the audio on her channel. Go listen…it’s all there. Audio from years back.🤣🤣🤣 Everyone is reacting to the fact that the truth has been out via Martell and his mistress. Now Martell is twisting it. 🤣🤣🤣 Hes one of those people that think others will believe it just because you’re saying it.🤣🤣🤣It’s like looking at the sky and knowing it is blue but someone arguing that it is pink🤣🤣🤣