Elena Arthur

How are you a good dad if you're never home. The kids need guidance that's not a good father. Once again you're playing favoritism because you think he is attractive and he takes care of them financially but HE WAS NEVER THERE 💯 TF


Clarence Freeman it says your ex told her to say you never touched her. It never said she lied punk ass child molester

It's called PTSD. Your brain can block out memories to protect itself. Read a book on psychology before you tell people things like this


makeItmakeSense I'm saying the whole family is fucked up period. I wasn't there and ain't no telling all the fuckery that could have went on in that house. To have a child "lie" so drastically means someone dropped the ball a long ass time ago. Rather if he did what is alleged or not, some shit went on in that house. And no parent wants to accept the fact that fucked up. It's all this finger pointing nonsense. I stand in my opinion and I hold strong. No matter if this man Clarence Freeman is in the comments or not. Be a man and stop trying to pull sympathy if she lying sue her bring your evidence and leave it be. And to the daughter if he lying do the same. I did what I had to do without my family behind me. I went to the police, I got my father convicted and deported. My evidence was my fetus. That's how you solve this problem. Y'ALL'S HOUSE WAS FUCKED UP PERIOD. YOUR CHILDREN ARE A REFLECTION OF YOU. HOW DID SHE LEARN TO LIE SO WELL????????


CurlyLox my father molested me as a child and got me pregnant at 14 no one believed me until the state got involved and tested the fetus he was sentenced to 11 years. It was very hurtful that everyone had his back until I had physical evidence. No one especially a child should have to go through that. And it upsets me when someone says "he's too fine he doesn't have to take it" that's hilarious, like attractive men can't rape or harm people.

Call me whatever you like I have the right to have my opinion and it's valid. You have the right to yours. I personally would never lie this way and can't imagine someone else doing such a thing. But like katt Williams says no one understands why liars lie. Have a beautiful night. God bless


IDC IDC IDC you're her father regardless and the way you talk about your daughter is shaming. You raised her you know she needed help but did not supply it. I believe he did touch that girl. And y'all in the comments need to watch her interview first because I did. She was way too detailed! Y'all are being biased just because y'all think he's attractive. ATTRACTIVE MEN RAPE AND MOLEST TOO!!! AND WOMEN AND FAMILY WILL STAND ON THE SIDE OF THE ABUSER SHAMING THE VICTIM BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT TO BELIEVE IT. TASHA I BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR YEARS THIS IS A LOW FOR YOU I CANT BELIEVE YOURE BLAMING THE VICTIM AND YOU WERE MOLESTED ABD DIDNT YOUR MOLESTER DENY IT

My biological father molested me from 5-9 years of age ad yes I'm the only one of my siblings he did this to. Ad yes he has since apologized but it could be very much so isolated