
naya I rely on facts how about you? You haven't seen or read the mandated, investigative reports done and interviewed by professionals. Clarence was not proven innocent, the case was put on the shelf, Chantel and his ex wife Teriza quit cooperating with authorities. Read the reports that are have been released and let me see how your comprehension skills are then.


Chantel was 8 not 5, there's records.


Oh and DCFS has medical records that state Chantel, his ex T.R. and Clarence are infected with H.


DCFS was involved there's reports, it was swept under the rug. Clarence was exceptionally cleared which means the victim got scared and stopped cooperating with authorities. The case can be reopened it was left unresolved.


Question for all: If you were granted custody of your 4 year old daughter and was told at that time she had an STD genital warts or herpes, how would you respond? w

Wouldn't you as her parent:

1. Take her to be seen by a doctor?

2. Be on a warpath to find out who is molesting your child? or

3. Get her in counseling vs watching her re-enact her trauma by being promiscuous?

TashaK, Chek, Jasmine ?