Fredricka Spencer

Exactly what I told her!! 

Hell yeah I’m new to your site and appreciate you!! I called her out and got cussed out by Chantel!! All I was saying why are you being Malicious to your sister!! And I agree we as people side with the women first!! Why I speak on this because my son was killed by a female and we have video in the house and outside the house 15 witnesses and I appeared on the news!!  Case by case every situation isn’t the same!! Clarence get you some therapy because this is a lot 

Yes Tasha k I made a comment on a page!! She saying her sister has HIV and I told her that’s Malicious!! Chantel inbox and disrespected me!! Chantel needs mental help and kimmie world and now it’s another lady talking 

Now Chantel on Instagram saying this young lady has HIV!! So they prove there case when u are not agreeing with her Chantel gets mad!! Otherwise if Chantel is telling the truth why say your sister has HIV?


Wow I just saw that to!! SMH 

It’s the comments for me but I tell u one thing if I was Clarance Freeman Law suits would be everywhere!! Remember Jessie case in Chicago fake charges he made up!! Yes I’m from Chicago and work at the hospital where over 50 workers got fired for going in his medical files!! So Clarance if your Medical files are out there as they are saying she the hell out the hospital!! Jessie did and got paid!! 2nd how in the living hell are you all getting court papers for a dcfs case?? Chantel was a miner at the time so the courts had to protect her privacy!!  Clarence you have another lawsuit!! That blogger Kimmie definitely sue her!! 56 page bs not when it comes to a miner all lies!! Chantel has lied and now you all are lying for her