
Feb 20 at 04:08 PM

Tiara Chicas retarded ass bitch

Feb 20 at 04:06 PM

Tiara Chicas you asked me what woman failed me in life because I made a comment on a platform that I pay to support you came online talking to strangers because you didn't like what I said correct stupid bitch like let's make this all the way clear let's get this all the way clear I made a comment on a platform that I pay to support you are online talking to strangers because you don't like what I said correct 💯 👌🏾 so that part is done we understand that you came online talking to strangers cuz you didn't like what they said I came online making a post on a platform that I pay to support douche wide booty hole yea ok u got me my botty hole so wide open 👐🏾 im frightened to even sit down mAn I have to do so badly and that's why I'm so angry it's cuz of my booty holding so wide and I have to you know ditch my booty hole so widely and badly that's why I'm so angry inside it's because of my big white booty hole sorry guys what should I do now what should I do now you caught me I'm the booty the wide booty holer gosh darn got to be something I can do about that booty hole of mine

Feb 19 at 04:41 AM

Felicia Felicia I don't know you you don't have to read shit stupid bitch I wrote my first message the same way it didn't stop you from reading or coming trying to be seen did it??? you're seen now go away Fuck bye

Again I made a comment on a platform I paid to support you're online talking to a stranger why? Again go seek Jesus

Feb 18 at 10:29 PM

M M so since I pay I'm not allowed to make a statement trying to clock what this not no fag dance Ball I simply made a statement


Feb 18 at 06:55 PM

What so because I made statement that you don't agree with on a platform that has nothing to do with you means I paid just to make a statement I don't understand she has exclusive content, private interviews, and Brand New TV shows an movies exclusively on Tasha K live.........I couldn't subscribe for any of that huh bye girl

I made a comment on a platform I pay to support your online talking to strangers when u can just make ur own post

Feb 18 at 04:52 PM

And I speak this shit into my headphones cuz I'm listening to music so there might be misspelled words and no periods but I don't give a fuck you get my point Tasha K has rubbed hands with a lot of people in the past she's helped a lot of YouTubers you wouldn't even have a fuckin clue so please girl that want to be heard so bad go get some dick in God but stop speaking on shit that you don't know Little Miss want to be her bitch u got the broke bitch mentality tearing another black woman down that you don't even know you just going off of what you heard damn if it's true or not girl bye go get a fuckin clue and I'm not blues

Feb 18 at 04:45 PM

What's you're clearly delusional and you don't know who mob is or who milagrogram says so just say you don't know her don't ride a wave acting like you dislike somebody because Tasha just like somebody you don't even know who Tasha knows personally you don't know who she talks to one everyday basis you don't know what kind of relationship she's had with that lady why would you pour hatred towards her and you don't even know her you're just going off of what you hear you have no idea what you're talking about so please just shut up

Feb 18 at 06:23 AM

I didn't start disrespecting you hoes until you hold started disrespecting me Tasha just told you how much a lawsuit cost don't play stupid if you can't acknowledge she was wrong then just move on I'm not asking for your approval I don't care. This is not the only comment I've made you're stupid to think that I paid money just to make one comment no slow hoe I've been here for over a year I can subscribe to somebody and support somebody and let them know when they were wrong why are you so upset about what I said why do you care so much about my opinion I paid my $12.99 why are you so upset about my opinion and what I think go wash ur pussy or something else what I said to a content creator that I support has nothing to do with you at the end of the day I made a comment on a platform that I support you're online talking to strangers

Feb 18 at 06:17 AM

Dusty ass niggas what ?......

ugly Bitch I dare you to post a picture hoe I'll pay you

I didn't come on here to bash Tasha or tear her down I subscribe to her platform because I support her I made a statement and said she was wrong why are you upset when did this have anything to do with you why are you asking me what I'm paying for what does this have to do with you I made a statement that she was wrong if you can't acknowledge that move on I didn't force you to acknowledge that move on why are you speaking to me bitch you thought that everybody was going to agree with everything that she says no I don't agree with everything that Tasha says I'm sorry and guess what sometimes Tasha is wrong I know you're a dyke and you probably can't stop drinking her pussy juice to understand that but guess what she was wrong she made a mistake she said something about another black woman that tore her down she never came out to correct it she was wrong I don't care about what you think about me this is not my platform I'm not here to entertain you hoe you don't pay me why the fuck are you responding to my comment

Feb 18 at 06:11 AM

Are you okay is somebody paying you to come on here and respond to a complete stranger who are you again why you care about my feelings and who made me upset why are you asking who failed me in life are you a therapist is somebody paying you to ask me these questions why do you care cuz I don't even know you I literally subscribe to a platform that I support I made a comment that she was wrong why are you asking if my mother failed me bitch are you sick did your father ass rape you did your uncle make you Choke on his dick why are you so angry with men that you come on here randomly responding to people that you don't know I don't understand I made a comment about the entertainment that I support you made a comment to a stranger that you don't know