Patricia lee

Tay Brown my daughter is a dentist. So I know personally about having a bridge in my mouth and teeth that didn't need to be pulled to have implant inserted . Didn't need to travel to another country for my teeth

NubianNativeX bitch don't come for me. I had implants and fucking know the procedure. AND what if they did . Who the fuck are you. I know lies when I hear them and don't give one fuck who is telling the fucking lie. See you believe everything you hear. Do your research


Ain't nothing healthy about a 16 year old sleeping in his mother's bed. That's just total fucking bullshit


They have same problems as Americans. Sending her to Africa shouldn't be a choice. She need her mother. My African friend send her daughter to her family only to have her rape by her own brother. No you the mother, you need to deal with the issues and not ship your blood off because you are having issues and allow someone else to install their beliefs . Just do your damn job as a parent. We all have our challenges with our children. It still your damn job


Sometimes you need to check your facts before putting out bullshit like you a fucking dentist. When having implants done you go to periodontal doctor to build up bone graffs before installing implants. This procedures takes about four month before implants are installed. Meanwhile your dentist will build you a bridge to wear in the meantime. A good dentist will keep your good teeth and can still install implants where you have bone loss. Stop putting out bullshit unless you have facts. Just like same bullshit you put out about Roland Martin. Now how many peopwill see your retraction about the misinformation you spouted. You just put out shit for clicks and views

Aug 18 at 04:34 AM

Such a cutie pie