
Nov 08 at 11:10 PM

No Timonthy did NOT just come for your kids. Tasha…..that’s a true demon.


Nov 08 at 11:03 PM

Omg he live in half of a house. I saw it. It’s a damn makeshift duplex. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣There’s no equity there, Tasha lol.


Nov 08 at 10:56 PM

I used to quote TS Madison too. I loved the vines. The step your pussy up. New weave! Now it’s bitter, evil and femalephobic.


Nov 08 at 10:51 PM

That’s right Tasha!!! Didn’t have to buy it. Didn’t have to get it injected every morning or the voice will revert back to Barry White. Don’t have to dilate every 3 hours. Don’t have to tuck a dick in a pouch. Don’t have to cover the male pheromone smell with 5 for $25 body mist. Don’t have to trick straight men into smashing. Can freely be introduced anywhere at anytime. These saggy titties can make milk for babies y’all can’t have. Should I go on?


Nov 08 at 10:39 PM

I’ll call Desantis crazy ass right now. Let’s get that law passed.


Nov 08 at 10:29 PM

All them hormones and still got them big ass wrists. I know they can mix concrete manually.


Commented on Are We Live @9:38?

Oct 27 at 09:43 PM

Dwight Howard and Papoose cut the cord.

Commented on Are We Live @9:38?

Oct 27 at 09:41 PM

It’s not working for me.

Seriously, who out here is interviewing better than Tasha K right now? She needs her flowers.