Praying for you Tasha. Just breathe. When you inhale, pretend as if you’re smelling roses. When you exhale, pretend to blow out candles. It sounds so stupid but it works.
This video has actually reminded me of why I have always made sure my dad NEVER had physical access to my mom again and why I cut off people who have caused us harm. They always show you who they are eventually. It’s up to you to see the signs. Trust your gut.
Chile….ive been speechless this whole video. Like….this poor woman. This…survivor. This….strong and brave and beautiful woman deserves sooooo much more than this. Like….wow. I feel so heartbroken. But I also can relate to this situation. I had a dad like that. But my mom escaped. Ive been protecting her ever since. I don’t know how the opposite happened with this woman and her daughter. And the whole competition thing. Yeah…therapy is the only way from here. There are things here that only a professional has the tools to help navigate and hopefully mend some of the…fucking broken pieces here.
And she should not be in nursing school. I’m sorry. The daughter needs to drop out. I would never want someone like that working anywhere near people who need someone with empathy.
Commented on Hey Winos!! Drag me… I underestimated...
Mar 08 at 01:24 AM
Praying for you Tasha. Just breathe. When you inhale, pretend as if you’re smelling roses. When you exhale, pretend to blow out candles. It sounds so stupid but it works.