
At my worst and ugliest, I am still a woman. I can roll out of bed with alopecia, dark circles around my eyes, fat, sloppy, ugly as FUCK, and still be a woman. And I’m proud of that.


What pisses me off are the rarities: women who don’t have periods or who can’t get pregnant or who had a hysterectomy who co-sign transwomen. You are still a woman. On a cellular level you are a woman. No man in a dress with an inverted penis can tell you different.

I used to be okay with trans until I realized the truth; they want to erase women. They are jealous of women. We have what they don’t. We have XX chromosomes. When you bring up periods, childbirth and chromosomes they get really upset because no surgeries in the world can replicate the original. Even transmen understand this, who, by the way are really women too lol.

Gay men are the ultimate cockblockers but at the same time they can clock the downlow ones.

If Lori Harvey and Common hook up, the virus created will rival HIV.

I see no issue with keeping your married name when you have kids.

I know that’s right. I live by MLK myself and the crackers are coming!!! The niggas are still shooting too. Still gang-banging. But the houses are going UP! My house quadrupled in value. I could sell and be that bitch. But I stay to keep it black. But for what?

I just looked up Doja Cat’s parents. Never had a relationship with her African dad and was raised by her white mother. Of course she hates black people. White mama bjracials are the bane of black culture.

Doja Cat tired of fucking Dr. Luke. Look him up. Writes EVERYONE’S hits. But you gotta fuck him to get the tracks that get airplay. And she’s tired.

Girl that $100 was GONE! I saw that little test. Window busted. Lol.