Peaches Royale

Miami, FL, United States

May 24 at 11:32 AM


27:56 right TK, her delivery would be better received if she delivered it in layman’s terms….she clearly likes to hear herself practicing big terms 🤣


Big words that did not amount to nothing!

The 5 things should of just flowed with all her “expertise” 🤔🙄🥴

May 18 at 08:37 AM

Kathy Delahunty are you here? This is it

May 17 at 07:55 AM

Please see my last post on the Community Wall boo 🤗


May 17 at 07:53 AM

Your welcome boo 😊

May 17 at 07:52 AM

William Da Baddest showed the receipts during the LIVE


May 17 at 07:51 AM

The LIVE is still up


May 17 at 07:51 AM

Girl 👀
