Peaches Royale

Miami, FL, United States

Commented on PPP Part 2

Jan 22 at 01:42 PM

It’s up

Jan 22 at 01:42 PM

No, what GOD says is Golden! Leaders are to guide/shepherd/lead …not to be WORSHIPPED….sorry y’all feeling a way
I would have IMMEDIATELY returned home at the FIRST mention of my child being violated
Hey 👋🏾 Darlene ❤️✨

Commented on post was deleted

Jan 22 at 11:20 AM

Definitely checking it out

Commented on Day 7

Jan 22 at 11:19 AM

Congratulations 🎉

Replied on Help

Jan 21 at 11:38 PM

Yes, I sent it …from Rudegyrl78 (my backup email)