
Dallas, TX, United States

I am pre ordering her book. She is lovely and transparent. Great interview


She could not comphrehend telling her story verses writing her story, she will turn off potential readers. If she spoke on her story, 10 minutes of what occurred during what lead up to the killing, it will not hinder details chapters of her potential book. She did not make an impact, she doesn’t not understand Public Relations.


The interviews like this, helps me to understand why abused women stay. I have three adult children, two daughters and the youngest a son. I had been with their dad since high school and then married at 23 after purchasing our first home. We lived with my mom, my second child he tried to yell at me, my mother told me as a child, never let any disrespect you. I watched my mom & dad fight, my mom was a bull; I only saw strength in her. So, when he yelled at me at 20 in the mall, I released the beast and made him feel smaller than an ant. I’ve never been hit, I don’t know how it feels; watching my uncle’s girlfriends be beat like animals and watch them stay, I couldn’t understand; I couldn’t look at them in the face, because it was too hard.

Interviews like this help me to understand why they stayed and suffered. I hope her children have a different life and mindset.