
Dallas, TX, United States

I am my mother’s only daughter and eldest of three siblings. My mother became a toxic demon when I was 18, with my first child. She wanted me to have the lifestyle she had, living in public housing and not working. I was determined to go to college, work at 19, and not live in public housing. She became toxic, wanting to fight when she was drunk, call me out of my name, and tried to tear my daughter’s father who I married apart in every way. I cut ties at 22, when we purchased our first home, and haven’t dealt with her since I was 31. I tried to have a relationship before I was 31, she tried to brainwash me and destroy me by verbal abuse.

It’s a challenge for me to understand how she can forgive her mom. My mom didn’t allow anyone to abuse me and she didn’t. She started her attacks on me at 18, I still do not have anything to do with the toxic demon.


I’m 14 minutes in and feeling sick. My head and heart are spinning, I cannot understand the mom. They both should be in jail for life or on death row.


I will offer mentorship with helping her gain financial literacy, how to do depth research on careers and researching careers and entrepreneurship, tangible life plans, and guidance.


Tasha has the best interviews and asked the questions we want to know. 🍷🍷🍷

