
Commented on Mushroom coffee

Jan 21 at 10:38 AM

My aunt sent that to me yesterday. It’s on Amazon. She said she’s been drinking it and she hasn’t been craving coffee - she’s doing her own fast and can’t have coffee

Commented on Are these ok to eat?

Jan 16 at 11:02 PM


Commented on Breakfast

Jan 16 at 02:31 PM

Hi, is corn allowed or not allowed. I don’t see that anywhere on the list
Live just finished. Just refresh and replay will cone ip
Heartbreaking interview. She is so young and has so much pain behind that exterior. Hope she can get that emotional healing.
What?! Not the side dude! 😂😂😂😂was it his best friend on the show? 🤦🏾‍♀️ 🪦

Commented on Live 4.16.22

Apr 18 at 09:49 AM

Hi Tasha, Since you’re talking about creating more shows, I wanted to see if you’re looking for more writers for that side of your production. I love the idea of a show on marriage.
Truth Tasha about the treatment of Afghan vs Haitian.

Oct 07 at 10:47 PM


Oct 07 at 09:15 PM
