Barbara Ellis

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Mar 05 at 03:28 PM

Sorry to hear about the incident especially hubby getting slightly burned however, glad the situation wasn’t worse. Be easy.

PositiveQ I totally agree with you. I was wondering why she didn’t stand up for her daughter when the boyfriend made that declaration of wanting her over the daughter. That would have been the greatest testament of support she could have given her daughter at that very moment.🤦🏾‍♀️


Actually, the family is reenacting the trauma imposed by the father starting with dating the mom when she was eighteen and he was thirty plus.


I just watched this very disturbing interview. Much was said, many questions answered but, more questions raised. I would agree that the entire family need trauma support starting with mom.


Feb 08 at 11:07 PM

What a handsome young man! Ms. Tasha you got your hands full with Sir Lamine☺️


Jan 21 at 12:40 PM

This is truly great news. Tasha thanks to you, your great leadership, forward thinking and gathering the Wino Gang to fast forward this process. You are THE GOAT!


Nov 08 at 02:15 PM

So happy to hear that you are doing well Tasha! Please follow the doctor’s orders; we know how hardheaded you get at times, wanting to do things your way! ☺️



Sep 27 at 05:52 PM

Let’s all think about this 🧐 what would happen if all 1 million subscribers, winos, donated $4 that would give a balance of 4 million $s. That would be enough to resolve the issue of the law suit. In turn it would “totally” free our Queen TK from all the pressure, stress and negativity she’s facing.